About the Project

The Archival History of Computing at MIT 1950–62, project began in November 2018 with an undergraduate team and the staff of the Programs in Digital Humanities at MIT. Every member of the team has contributed to the project's design, development, implementation, and maintenance.

Undergraduates participated by studying the archive, digitizing documents, creating metadata, programming the underlying Django code for the website, writing stories about the archive, and conducting analyses in code and words. These students created all the data visualizations and stories present on this website. Every individual contribution, along with work done in small teams, was integral to this digitization and contextualization of the MIT Computation Center's Archives.

The project would not have been possible without the support, expertise, and guidance of the MIT Libraries' subject liaison librarians and the staff of the Department of Distinctive Collections.

The project is part of the Andrew W. Mellon-funded Programs in Digital Humanities at the MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Previous projects include a study of Gender in nineteenth-century novels. As part of our commitment to open source, all code created for this project is available on GitHub.

Project Citation
Cuthbert, M. S. et al., “Archival History of Computing at MIT, 1950–62,” Web resource. 2019. https://comphist.digitalhumanitiesmit.org
Michael Scott Cuthbert, Stephan Risi, Lisa Tagliaferri, Erica Zimmer, Alan Abreu, Ife Ademolu-Odeneye, Dina Atia, Rikita Bansal, Elena Boal, Angelica Castillejos, Mingfei Duan, Maritza Gallegos, Monsterrat Garza, Meesue Kim, Keith Murray, Carol Pan, Mayowa Songonuga, Felix Tran, Samantha York, Emily Caragay, Alena Culbertson, Howard Dacosta, Assel Ismoldayeva, Elsa Itambo, Kelsey Merrill, Charlotte Minsky, Isaac Redlon, Shobhita Sundaram, Katherine Xu, Derek Yen, Sophia Zhi, Nicole Fountain, Ryaan Ahmed, “Archival History of Computing at MIT, 1950–62,” Web resource. 2019. https://comphist.digitalhumanitiesmit.org

UROP Members

Alan Abreu

Alan Abreu

Simulations Specialist

Ife Ademolu-Odeneye

Ife Ademolu-Odeneye

Django Specialist

Dina Atia

Dina Atia

Race and Gender Specialist

Rikita Bansal

Rikita Bansal

Timeline Specialist

Elena Boal

Elena Boal

Metadata Specialist

Angelica Castillejos

Angelica Castillejos

Mingfei Duan

Mingfei Duan

Assembly Language Specialist

Maritza Gallegos

Maritza Gallegos

International Computational History Specialist

Monsterrat Garza

Monsterrat Garza

Mechanical Components Specialist

Meesue Kim

Meesue Kim

OCR and Network Visualizations

Keith Murray

Keith Murray

Whirlwind Specialist

Carol Pan

Carol Pan

Search Refinement/Metadata Specialist

Mayowa Songonuga

Mayowa Songonuga

Front End Web Developer

Felix Tran

Felix Tran

Javascript Specialist

Samantha York

Samantha York

OCR and Network Visualizations


Emily Caragay

Emily Caragay

Alena Culbertson

Alena Culbertson

Howard DaCosta

Howard DaCosta

Assel Ismoldayeva

Assel Ismoldayeva

Elsa Itambo

Elsa Itambo

Kelsey Merrill

Kelsey Merrill

Charlotte Minsky

Charlotte Minsky

Isaac Redlon

Isaac Redlon

Shobhita Sundaram

Shobhita Sundaram

Katherine Xu

Katherine Xu

Derek Yen

Derek Yen

Sophia Zhi

Sophia Zhi


Michael Cuthbert

Michael Scott Cuthbert

Faculty Director

Ryaan Ahmed

Ryaan Ahmed

Technical Director

Stephan Risi

Stephan Risi

Postdoctoral Associate

Lisa Tagliaferri

Lisa Tagliaferri

Postdoctoral Associate

Nicole Fountain

Nicole Fountain

Administrative Assistant II

Erica Zimmer

Erica Zimmer

Special Lab Affiliate

MIT Libraries Contributors

Emilie Hardman

Emilie Hardman

Head, Distinctive Collections

Erica Zimmer

Mark Szarko

Literature, Global Studies and Languages, Philosophy, and Theater Arts Librarian

Ryaan Ahmed

Ece Turnator

Humanities and Digital Scholarship Librarian